MSI, 4260 Port-A-Weigh Crane Scale


After three decades of production, added advancements, and thousands of worldwide installations, the next generation Port-A-Weigh embedded with ScaleCore technology continues to reign as the industry standard. Along with Port-A-Weigh, the MSI product offering features the most comprehensive line of industrial crane scales and specialized overhead weighing solutions. For medium- to heavy-capacity and duty-cycle needs, the MSI-4260 meets or exceeds all industrial safety requirements, including OSHA, ANSI and ASME and is an economical choice for many bridge crane, foundry, and in-process material handling needs.


  • Crane unit with 5-digit, 1.2 in (30 mm) LED display
  • Top lifting eye or shackle, bottom thrust bearing swivel hook
  • 12-volt rechargeable battery and universal 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz battery charger (NA plug standard)
  • NEMA Type 4 IP66 rated, not safe for emersion but able to be used outdoors
  • Intrinsically Safe configurations available
  • Optional approvals: FM cFM and ATEX
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Available Options:

Additional information

Weight55 lbs

2,000 lb (900 kg), 5,000 lb (2,250 kg), 10,000 lb (4,500 kg), 20,000 lb (9,070 kg), 30,000lb (13,600kg), 50,000 lb (22,700 kg), 70,000 lb (32,000 kg), 100,000lb (45,400kg), 500 lb (225 kg)


0.2 lb (100 g), 1 lb (0.45 kg), 2 lb (1 kg), 5 lb (2.25 kg), 10 lb (4.5 kg), 20 lb (9 kg)